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Elysia flava Verrill, 1901
Family: PlakobranchidaeGenus: Elysia
"Body yellow, with irregular dark green longitudinal band extending along parapodium on each side (color represents digestive diverticula); parapodial margin white. Pericardium short, with single posterolateral vessel on each side, which branches near pericardium, forming a long posterad [sic] vessel with a dense cluster of anastomosing vessels. Teeth small (56-80 µm) and relatively uniform in length, with narrow cutting tip, edenticulate; 31 radular teeth in a single specimen. Comments: Thompson's (1977) Jamaican record of E. flava is the first non-Bermudan record and correctly redescribes this species. The tooth of E. flava is similar to the of E. papillosa, suggesting that this species may feed on Udotea, but its diet is so far unknown. At the time of my visit to Hungry Bay [Bermuda], there were no visible Siphonales suitable as food for this species. It is possible that the yellow color of the parapodia is due to starvation. This species is quite similar to E. papillosa and E. patina Marcus, and further studies are needed to adequately define differences between these species." (Clark, 1984, Nautilus 98(2), p. 90-91)